We are proud to provide ethical and sustainable wedding floristry in Whitby and North Yorkshire. Our floral style is whimsical, natural, wild and romantic. Our British, home grown flowers are seasonal and exquisitely scented.
It's easy to think that growing flowers is easy - something that anyone can do, and indeed, that's true! But growing them to scale, sustainably whilst meeting the needs of multiple clients, is no easy feat. It takes an incredible amount of logistical planning and creativity, but it's a constant challenge that we adore.
Wedding flowers provide a much cherished creative journey for us that we treasure and never take for granted. This starts with growing flowers on our own land from carefully selected seeds, nurturing them for many months with love and care, getting up at dawn to cut them, gently condition them, transport them safely to the wedding venue and then working with our talented team of stylists, often for many hours at a time, as we transform and elevate spaces with floral design.
The entire process is profoundly meaningful and precious to us - we very genuinely get goosebumps of joy during those moments when we know our couples will be in the middle of their wedding ceremony, exchanging their vows, surrounded by flowers that we've grown tenderly on our own land.

But working and regenerating land to grow flowers sustainably and ethically is no easy job. It's hard physical graft, with an endless to-do list that can feel incredibly overwhelming, especially during the summer months.
The reward for all that hard work however is absolute magic for us; the beauty, the scent, the joy we see our flowers create for their recipients. It's an indescribable feeling. It's pure, powerful energy that drives everything we do.
We consider ourselves beyond lucky and privileged to create such beauty and we pinch ourselves with gratitude every day - even on those tough days!
These images were taken during a beautiful early sunny morning in June 2022, when we were up to cut wedding flowers for a most wonderful couple's wedding. We are excitedly awaiting the professional photographs to share with you.
Wishing you a lovely day - and if you're job is leaving you feeling a little tired, take a moment to stop and smell the roses.
Love Annabel and Philip x
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